
16 April 2018

My FIRST EVER Father/Daughter Adventure — Apr 2018

Monday through Friday, my six-year-old daughter Honey goes to school.

On the weekends, Honey goes to English school for 1-3/4 hours. Since her mom leaves very early every Saturday and Sunday to attend pharmacy school, I get to take Honey to/from English school.

Honey, her mom, and her immediate family are very close. Ever since she started English school a year and a half ago, Honey starts our ride by asking for her mom—even though she knows her mom's at school, too. Every weekend, when I pick her up after school, I ask her if she wants to go to the park or to Big C (a small mall where there is a play area). Every weekend, she tells me she wants to go to grandma's house to play with her cousins... and asks for her mom.

This past weekend, when I dropped her off at English school, I again asked if she wanted to go to Big C with me after school. To my surprise, she said, "YES!"

I thought for sure she'd change her mind, but as soon as she saw me again, she asked, "Daddy and Honey go Big C?" I said, "Sure!" and off we went. After about 2 minutes, I asked her if she'd rather go to the cap treo (cable car). With great excitement, she said, "Yes! Cap treo!"

I messaged her Mom to let Grandma know not to worry; we were going to the cap treo. La was almost as surprised as I, and replied, "Take lots of photos." So we did.

The "V" is almost universal in photos of Vietnamese people. It stands for "Vietnam", "Peace", and,
because the word for 2 in Vietnamese is "hai", the two-fingered gesture also means "Hi" or "Hello",

Not once did she ask for mommy.

Do I need to add that we had a WONDERFUL time?

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