
13 February 2014

No Wonder It HURTS!!!

If you've followed my story, you know that my original plan was to ride my motorcycle from Ho Chi Minh City to Hà Nội to Sa Pa and then through Lao, Thailand, and Cambodia.

You also know that about a week into the trip I developed lower back pain that I though was muscular--even after even almost daily massages failed to put a dent in it. Since riding became significantly more painful than it was fun, I sold the bike in Hà Nội and spent most of the rest of the trip there and in Ho Chi Minh.  Somewhere along the way I also developed a sharp cutting pain in the front right of my left knee.

In the six days since I arrived back in Olympia, I've been to the orthopedist twice, the chiropractor three times, had two different sessions with the x-ray machine and two MRIs... thanks to ObamaCare, I'm able to get the care I need!

The diagnoses are a torn meniscus (knee ligament) and a compression fracture of my L1 vertebrae.The first requires surgery and the second may be "just" a shot of cement into my spine. No wonder they both hurt so damn much!

For the past two months I've been thinking that a few old muscles in my back took me off the bike. Spinal damage is a lot more acceptable to my ego...

My goal is to have both repaired by the end of the month so that I can continue planning my return trip.

And yes, I know there are still a couple holes to fill in December's accounts... I'll get right on them.

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