
25 March 2016

Going to Jail

No, not me.

Not yet.

There are many things about which I disagree with the government under which I am  a citizen. This is NOT one of them.

Vietnamese Government’s Decision to Convict Bloggers Nguyen Huu Vinh and Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy

23 March 2016

Jim Wright

Yes, I'm behind in my musings/writings...

Thailand Parts 2, 3, and maybe 4; John's Son Doong Expedition; The Challenges of Finding Good Medical Care in Việt Nam; and more are long overdue.

While you're waiting, check out some Jim Wright. I first found him on FB and now read him regularly. He's smarter and a better writer than I am, though please don't give up on me yet. 

I'll be back soon-ish.